Yannis Stavrakakis

Yannis Stavrakakis - Psychoanalysis and Society

Prof Yannis Stavrakakis - Populism Studies, Genealogy, Essex School, Moral Economy, AGPT (DNGPS)

Truth or Trust? - Yannis Stavrakakis

Yannis Stavrakakis - Criticizing Discourse Theory

Yannis Stavrakakis: Populism research in the age of post-truth: Stereotypes and challenges

Yannis Stavrakakis - Jornadas Izquierda (s) Lacaniana (s), Univ. Nac. Villa María, 2022

Yannis Stavrakakis, Momento Populista

Yannis Stavrakakis: »The populist scandal. post-democratic challenges«

Yannis Stavrakakis - Biopolitics, psychoanalysis and debt

Opening Session - Yannis Stavrakakis - The POPULISMUS project: Aims, methods, scope

'Conflicting Populisms': Yannis Stavrakakis

Yannis Stavrakakis en UNAJ 2015

2. Populism and Democratic Theory. Prof. Yannis Stavrakakis - 'Debt society...'

6. Populism and Democractic Theory. Andy Lantz - Panel on prof. Stavrakakis' work.

5. Populism and Democractic Theory. Stefano Franchi - Panel on prof. Stavrakakis' work.

9. Populism and Democractic Theory. Teresa Vilarós - Panel on prof. Stavrakakis' work.

8. Populism and Democractic Theory. Michela Russo - Panel on prof. Stavrakakis' work.

4. Populism and Democractic Theory. Derek Fisher - Panel on prof. Stavrakakis' work.


3. Populism and Democractic Theory. Daniela Abraham - Panel on prof. Stavrakakis' work

Anogeianes kontylies

Psychoanalysis and politics in the age of post-truth'.

7. Populism and Democractic Theory. Alberto Moreiras - Panel on prof. Stavrakakis' work.

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